

In Aotearoa, New Zealand, skin infections are a serious health concern for children, especially among preschool-aged children, Māori and Pacific children, and those living in northern regions. Treatment of such conditions often includes antibiotics and external skin treatment that should be followed for multiple consecutive days. However, anecdotal reports indicate that children often lack the motivation to follow the treatment until the end, especially once the skin sores start to improve.

Project Goal

This design project conducted for iMOKO™ in New Zealand texplored the development of a persuasive game to increase adherence to the treatment of skin-related infections.


We conducted an initial context exploration involving young children and their caregivers to determine barriers and facilitators in the context. Two design phases focused on creating initial concepts and developing prototypes, which were evaluated by participants. As part of the game, children receive reminders, information about the treatment and relevant treatment instructions. A focus was on making them become active partners rather than passive recipients of the treatment.

Project Lead:
Edgar Rodriguez-Ramirez
B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p

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