The biggest hit – Interface


After a stroke, individuals may stop using their affected arm due to a condition known as “learned nonuse.” This phenomenon occurs when individuals avoid using their affected limb because of the frustration, difficulty, or lack of function associated with it after the stroke. Addressing learned nonuse often requires a comprehensive rehabilitation approach, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and psychological support. Therapists can help stroke survivors regain confidence in using their affected arm through exercises to improve strength, coordination, and range of motion. Additionally, they may employ strategies such as home based rehabilitation or tele rehabilitation to encourage the integration of the affected arm into daily activities, gradually reducing learned nonuse over time.

Project Goal

This project aimed to support people who have experienced a stroke in the past to use their affected arm and hand and keep them motivated throughout the often demotivating process.


I investigated how a tangible interface in the form of an interactive radio could facilitate the restraining effect of  stroke theory called “Constraint induced movement therapy” (CIMT). I interviewed therapists and people with stroke as part of the process. I conceptualised and tested an interactive data visualisation of the training progress along with the physical prototype that I developed (See the Biggest Hit here). The user of the interactive radio can see as part of an iPad app how the weekly and monthly training is progressing. The results can be shared via email with friends and family to increase social support. In irregular intervals, the user sees motivational messages (red) and informational messages (blue) to increase the rehabilitation progress.

Project Details:
Design research project for upper limb stroke rehabilitation
B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p

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